There's are differences between commercial bar stools and home bar stools - but what are they ?
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Heaps of stuff about how to get the best out of your active workspace. Stand sit desks, wobble stools, ergonomic seating - how to get the most of them ? Articles, posts, links and viewpoints in abundance.
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Wobble stool or kneeling chair ?
Do you need a wobble stool or a swiss ball ?
Choosing a bar leaner and bar stools for an office...
What are the best office chairs for working from home ?
Saddle chairs vs Wobble stools
Ergonomic office chairs - what you get for your money ?
Choosing a home office chair...
How do I know if an office chair is good quality ?
Experience Ultimate Workspace Comfort with Ergonomic Kneeling Chairs from Powercore NZ
Choosing an office chair ?
Kneeling chairs - what are they good for ?
What office chairs allow active seating ?
Single leg rise test...
Powercore Active chair - a chair you can work....